Tarot Card Reading

The Tarot is a deck of cards commonly used in divination. Tarot deck consists of  78 cards, broken into two arcana – the major and the minor, each featuring different symbolic pictures. The major arcana consists of 22 cards and the minor arcana is more like a traditional deck of playing cards  with four suits of 14 cards each.

Tarot Cards are wonderful tool for self-development. The Tarot is like a mirror as it picks up what lies in our subconscious minds and lays it out in front of us. They don’t just predict the future but offers suggestions and possible outcomes and make you aware of your choices and the patterns of outcomes. A Tarot Card Reading offers guidance to change your future. Our futures are never fixed and we have the ability to change whatever aspects of our lives we choose to as it depends on our free will. The choices we make determine our future. If you don’t like outcome of a Tarot Card Reading, you can change it by taking necessary steps to do things differently.  But if you like the outcome you can accomplish that by doing what needs to be done. Tarot is a  tool for self-reflection and counseling. Tarot offers us another perspective. It draws our attention to what is going on in our subconscious mind.  It opens up information about things we may know are happening but may not realize our own influence on the outcome.